I really love the Fair. So much so that I went twice this summer. I love all the colors, the fun games, the rides, and all the vintage signs. But most of all, I go for the food. Here, we visited the LA Fair (previous post here) and the food we ate were: corn on the cob, cheesy baked potato, lemonade, funnel cake, and a fried twinkie. Enough for a heart attack and diabetes. It's okay, I'm planning to workout...sometime soon...
Do you love going to the fair? What do you go for? The food? Rides? Games?
Is that the OC County Fair? I used to live in OC 7 years? ago. So it brought back lot's of memories. You look so cute in your white dress and I love the photo's of you and your boyfriend!!
oops, I just saw that it was the LA fair!! they look very similar :)
awww..the photobooth pictures are too adorable! <3
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